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Urban Games Festival is, in our opinion, the most exciting event in the city you can imagine and that is why - for the second time - we've prepared lots of attractions! But not only us - this year's Raban will be visited by local and foreign Game Designers. But lets start from the beginning.

Firstly - why do we consider it's the most exciting event? Because the player takes part in the game with his whole being. Entering the game world, like Alice in Wonderland, goes to an alternative reality, where experiences real emotions, engages body and receives stimuli with all senses. Player is just in the game. And this is why we want to offer you four days of the RABAN Urban Games Festival.

Secondly - Game Designers. The first installment of Raban was basically a show of games prepared exclusively by us. This time there will be several of our events, but the lion's share of the Festival will be completely new forms that players from Łódź have not had the opportunity to experience. Therefore, we invite you to look up the FESTIVAL PROGRAM. It will be fun. You will see :) PROGRAMEM FESTIWALU. Będzie fajnie. Zobaczycie 🙂


Poprzedni RABAN

Raban 2022 już niebawem, w międzyczasie zobaczcie jak było na poprzednim Rabanie:


Games have been with us from the beginning, and playing them in the urban space gives us a different perspective on both the city landscape and the relations between its inhabitants. Playing together is the perfect way to meet and have fun and it also allows us to consider the nature of the relationships between people living in the same space, and how the urban space influences our perception of the world.

We organized first Raban in 2019. Find out more about it. Check it out. 

This year, at the RABAN City Games Festival, we want to reflect on the topic of the neighborhood and our relations with neighbors. Who do we call neighbors, and how do we relate to them? How are such relationships built? How to see neighbors in the hundreds of anonymous people we pass every day?